Smoked Salsa

Who doesn’t enjoy a bowl of fresh smoked salsa and chips. Without a doubt, there is probably a jar of salsa in your refrigerator — so why not whip a homemade batch for your next gathering.

It does not get any easier than this for your smoker. This may be one of the easiest and recipes ever — so, give it a shot.

How To Make Smoked Salsa

  1. Fire up your smoker to 225 degrees.
  2. Gather fresh tomatoes, peppers, onions and garlic. Quarter and place on your smokers grill or racks. (NOTE: If you use jalapenos — you may want to deseed and devein the pepper to moderate the heat. The more seeds and the more veins, the more heat your salsa will have.)
  3. Smoke above veggies for 90 minutes
  4. Remove from grill, place in blender and pulse a couple of times.
  5. Add juice of one or two limes, cilantro and salt
  6. Pulse to desired consistency.

In just six easy steps, you too, will have fresh homemade smoked salsa in your fridge. This recipe is perfect for any party, tailgates, or just to get you through the week! Enjoy!

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