Labor Day BBQ Menu
As soon as Summer comes, it goes, so here’s to another end-of-summer backyard get-together with a Labor Day BBQ.
As Summer comes to an end, we shift out of vacation mode, and the kids head back to school; let’s kick it off in a grand way with a proper Labor Day BBQ.
Whether you have your backyard BBQ on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, here are some ideas and pairings that make everyone happy.


WINGS (Grilled or Smoked)
Wings are a great summer BBQ item. Whether you smoke wings or make grilled wings, almost no one can say no to a perfectly cooked wing.

The best thing about grilling kebabs is there are no rules. You can use beef, shrimp, chicken, pork, veggies (tons of veggies) or anything else. Be creative and give your guests something amazing to remember.

Pulled Chicken Sandwiches
I love a good pulled BBQ sandwich. To us, Pulled Pork is still king, but when it comes to feeding people within a predictable time frame we lean towards Pulled Chicken. Trust us, it’s worth it.

Nothings says the end of summer like a good seafood boil, or a Grilled jawn Grilled Seafood Boil. Easy, light, and sure to elevate your backyard BBQ to a memorable end of summer.
These mains are a great way to mix things up from your normal hot dogs and burger affair. Also, the best things about these four recipes and Labor Day BBQ ideas is that they are simple and not too time consuming. Yes, we appreciate a good Brisket and other traditional BBQ items, but for the times when you want to spend more time with company than cooking — these are perfect. ENJOY!
Grilled Jawn Backyard BBQ Grill Guide
See what’s in our Backyard and the what we use to cook.