Smoked Mac and Cheese in 5 Steps
we FINALLY got around to posting about Smoked Mac and Cheese. WHy did it take us so long?
Ok, finally, we are posting our 5 step recipe to making smoked mac and cheese. This recipe is easy and something you can doctor up to your own tastes. Simple, versatile, and you know — smoked mac and cheese is something everyone loves.
As always, we are going to keep this one simple, minimal and delicious (and perfect for Game Days.)

Smoked Mac and Cheese
- 1 Box Elbow Macaroni
- 2 Cups Milk (or Half & Half)
- 4T Butter
- 4T Flour
- 1 Bag of Shredded Choice (of Choice)
- BBQ Seasoning
- Panko (Bread Crumbs)
- Pre-heat smoker to 225°
- Bring a large pot of water to boil and cook Macaroni to al dente (or 75% done) – drain and set asisde
- In a 12″ skillet add butter and milk and bring to a slow boil
- Whisk in flour to a smooth consistency
- Once the roux in where you want it add the shredded cheese, stir and allow to melt adding BBQ seasoning or at least ground pepper
- Take macaroni and stir into the cheese sauce
- Smoke for 90 minutes and serve!
One thing we like to do as we cook is stir the mac and cheese every 30 minutes for the first hour. After that hour, we add panko to the top with more BBQ seasoning for that little extra something.
NOTE: If you think your cheese sauce is too thick — add some more milk. Conversely, if the sauce is too thin — add a little flour and/or cheese. Simple enough.
Like I said before, use this smoked mac and cheese recipe and use it as a guideline for what you like. Make it spicy. Make it bolder. Add lobster, bacon, brisket, pork belly or anything else. Take it away!
Grilled Jawn Backyard BBQ Grill Guide
See what’s in our Backyard and the what we use to cook.